home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // -----
- // HToolbar.txt = VDL152.txt
- // Copyright 1996 Claris
- // -----
- //Toolbar
- /************************** LOCALIZED STRING CONSTANTS BEGIN **************************************/
- /************************** LOCALIZED STRING CONSTANTS BEGIN **************************************/
- /************************** LOCALIZED STRING CONSTANTS BEGIN **************************************/
- //This section contains all localizable string constants for this VDL program. Be sure to
- //include the backslash character at the end of each line of a multi-line string, except for the last line.
- //You may also flatten multiline constants into a single line, if you prefer
- #define kLit1 "New Page"
- #define kLit2 "Open"
- #define kLit3 "Save"
- #define kLit4 "Print"
- #define kLit5 "Edit Page"
- #define kLit6 "Preview Page"
- #define kLit7 "Edit HTML Source"
- #define kLit8 "Edit Frames"
- #define kLit9 "Preview in Browser"
- #define kLit49 "Publish"
- #define kLit10 "Object Editor"
- #define kLit11 "Link Editor"
- #define kLit12 "Document Options"
- #define kLit13 "New Entry"
- #define kLit14 "Insert Anchor"
- #define kLit15 "Insert Link To File"
- #define kLit16 "Insert Image"
- #define kLit17 "Insert Horizontal Rule"
- #define kLit18 "Insert Table"
- #define kLit19 "Align Text Left "
- #define kLit20 "Align Text Center"
- #define kLit21 "Align Text Right"
- #define kLit22 "Subdivide Vertically"
- #define kLit23 "Subdivide Horizontally"
- #define kLit24 "Insert CheckBox"
- #define kLit25 "Paragraph Format"
- #define kLit26 "Normal"
- #define kLit27 "Preformatted"
- #define kLit28 "Address"
- #define kLit29 "Heading 1"
- #define kLit30 "Heading 2"
- #define kLit31 "Heading 3"
- #define kLit32 "Heading 4"
- #define kLit33 "Heading 5"
- #define kLit34 "Heading 6"
- #define kLit35 "Bullet List"
- #define kLit36 "Numbered List"
- #define kLit37 "Term"
- #define kLit38 "Definition"
- #define kLit39 "Make Bullet List Entry"
- #define kLit40 "Indent"
- #define kLit41 "Outdent"
- #define kLit42 "Smaller Text"
- #define kLit43 "Larger Text"
- #define kLit44 "Bold"
- #define kLit45 "Italic"
- #define kLit46 "Teletype"
- #define kLit47 "Make Numbered List Entry"
- #define kLit48 "Add Frame..."
- //Localized Fonts
- #if Platform_Mac
- #define kHelpFont Font = {Geneva, 9, {Italic}}
- #endif
- /************************** LOCALIZED STRING CONSTANTS END **************************************/
- /************************** LOCALIZED STRING CONSTANTS END **************************************/
- /************************** LOCALIZED STRING CONSTANTS END **************************************/
- /************************** LOCALIZED NUMERICAL CONSTANTS BEGIN **************************************/
- /************************** LOCALIZED NUMERICAL CONSTANTS BEGIN **************************************/
- /************************** LOCALIZED NUMERICAL CONSTANTS BEGIN **************************************/
- //This section contains integer constants that are used to format this VDL program.
- //These are localizable - they only need to be changed if the localized strings
- //are sufficiently longer than the US strings. Localize the strings first, then the constants.
- //Width of the popup menu controlling paragraph width (the only popup)
- #define kParagraphStylePopupWidth 124
- #if Platform_Mac
- //Width and height of the help view
- #define kHelpViewWidth 200
- #define kHelpViewHeight 23
- #endif
- /************************** LOCALIZED NUMERICAL CONSTANTS END **************************************/
- /************************** LOCALIZED NUMERICAL CONSTANTS END **************************************/
- /************************** LOCALIZED NUMERICAL CONSTANTS END **************************************/
- //No further localizable data past this point
- /************************** END LOCALIZABLE DATA ***************************************************/
- /************************** END LOCALIZABLE DATA ***************************************************/
- /************************** END LOCALIZABLE DATA ***************************************************/
- #ifdef TryMe
- #define InDocWindow 1
- #define LITE_VERSION 0
- #endif
- #define EH EnabledHelpString =
- // Define(ToolSep)
- // Spacer(Height = 20, Width = 1, BackColor = {0,0,0});
- // cicn(13590, Width=1, Height=20);
- #if Platform_Win
- #define ToolSep
- #define CaseSafeToolSep Spacer(Height = 0, Width = 0);
- #else
- #define ToolSep GenericView("ToolSepView", SepHeight = 23);
- #define CaseSafeToolSep GenericView("ToolSepView", SepHeight = 23);
- #endif
- #if InDocWindow
- #define HAlignCommand "hAlign"
- #define PStyleCommand "pStyle"
- #define EditModeCommand "editMode"
- #else
- /* ccHAlign */
- #define HAlignCommand 3022
- /* ccHPStyle */
- #define PStyleCommand 3021
- /* ccEditMode */
- #define EditModeCommand 3095
- #endif
- #define kStandardPadSpace 9
- #if Platform_Mac
- #define ToolBack BackColor = {57015, 57015, 57015}
- #else
- #define ToolBack BackColor = Dialog
- #endif
- Define(LineSep)
- #if InDocWindow || Platform_Mac
- Spacer(Height = 0, Width = 0);
- #else
- VList(Width = UseParent)
- {
- Spacer(Height = 1, Width = UseParent, BackColor = {25000, 25000, 25000} );
- Spacer(Height = 1, Width = UseParent, BackColor = {65535, 65535, 65535} );
- }
- #endif
- Define(MainToolbarList)
- HList(ToolBack, Width = UseParent)
- {
- /* Buttons */
- HList(FullyCovered)
- {
- #if Platform_Win
- ToolSep
- PictPushButton(1040, "None", EH kLit1) // ccNewDoc
- {
- Enabled (Draw, 'cicn', 14025);
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn', 14027);
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn', 14026);
- };
- ToolSep
- PictPushButton(1041, "None", EH kLit2) // ccOpenDoc
- {
- Enabled (Draw, 'cicn', 14028);
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn', 14030);
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn', 14029);
- };
- ToolSep
- PictPushButton(1043, "None", EH kLit3) // ccSave
- {
- Enabled (Draw, 'cicn', 14031);
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn', 14033);
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn', 14032);
- };
- ToolSep
- PictPushButton(1046, "None", EH kLit4) // ccPrint
- {
- Enabled (Draw, 'cicn', 14034);
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn', 14036);
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn', 14035);
- };
- Spacer(Height = UseParent, Width = kStandardPadSpace);
- #endif
- ToolSep
- HList(FullyCovered)
- {
- PictRadioButton( EditModeCommand, 0, // ccEditMode : kEditVisual
- EH kLit5 )
- {
- On (Draw, 'cicn', 13550);
- Off(Draw, 'cicn', 13010);
- DisabledOn (Draw, 'cicn', 13561);
- DisabledOff(Draw, 'cicn', 13561);
- TrackingOn (Draw, 'cicn', 13550);
- TrackingOff(Draw, 'cicn', 13550);
- };
- ToolSep
- PictRadioButton( EditModeCommand, 1, // ccEditMode : kBrowseMode
- EH kLit6 )
- {
- On (Draw, 'cicn', 13551);
- Off(Draw, 'cicn', 13030);
- DisabledOn (Draw, 'cicn', 13562);
- DisabledOff(Draw, 'cicn', 13562);
- TrackingOn (Draw, 'cicn', 13551);
- TrackingOff(Draw, 'cicn', 13551);
- };
- ToolSep
- PictRadioButton( EditModeCommand, 2, // ccEditMode : kHTMLMode
- EH kLit7 )
- {
- On (Draw, 'cicn', 13552);
- Off(Draw, 'cicn', 13050);
- DisabledOn (Draw, 'cicn', 13563);
- DisabledOff(Draw, 'cicn', 13563);
- TrackingOn (Draw, 'cicn', 13552);
- TrackingOff(Draw, 'cicn', 13552);
- };
- #endif
- // For Layout documents, add a fourth edit-mode button.
- Switch (type)
- {
- case 0: // hdContent
- CaseSafeToolSep
- case 1: // hdLayout
- HList(FullyCovered)
- {
- ToolSep
- PictRadioButton( EditModeCommand, 3, // ccEditMode : kEditFrames
- EH kLit8 )
- {
- On (Draw, 'cicn', 13553);
- Off(Draw, 'cicn', 13560);
- DisabledOn (Draw, 'cicn', 13564);
- DisabledOff(Draw, 'cicn', 13564);
- TrackingOn (Draw, 'cicn', 13553);
- TrackingOff(Draw, 'cicn', 13553);
- };
- ToolSep
- }
- case 2: // hdLibrary
- CaseSafeToolSep
- case 3: // hdSite
- CaseSafeToolSep
- } // Switch (type)
- #else
- CaseSafeToolSep
- #endif
- } // HList (edit mode group)
- Switch (type)
- {
- case 0: // hdContent
- case 1: // hdLayout
- HList(FullyCovered)
- {
- Spacer(Height = UseParent, Width = kStandardPadSpace);
- ToolSep
- PictPushButton(3002, "None", EH kLit9) // Preview in Browser
- {
- Enabled(Draw, 'cicn',13500 );
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn',13502 );
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn',13501 );
- };
- ToolSep
- Spacer(Height = UseParent, Width = kStandardPadSpace);
- ToolSep
- PictPushButton(3319, "None", EH kLit49) // Publish (FTP Upload)
- {
- Enabled(Draw, 'cicn',14065 );
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn',14067 );
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn',14066 );
- };
- ToolSep
- Spacer(Height = UseParent, Width = kStandardPadSpace);
- #endif
- ToolSep
- PictPushButton(3101, "None", EH kLit10)
- {
- Enabled(Draw, 'cicn',13503 );
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn',13505 );
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn',13504 );
- };
- ToolSep
- PictPushButton(3109, "None", EH kLit11) // "Insert/Edit Link"
- {
- Enabled(Draw, 'cicn',13506 );
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn',13508 );
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn',13507 );
- };
- ToolSep
- PictPushButton(3105, "None", EH kLit12) // Document Options
- {
- Enabled(Draw, 'cicn',13013 );
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn',13053 );
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn',13033 );
- };
- CaseSafeToolSep
- //ToolSep
- } // HList(FullyCovered)
- case 2: // hdLibrary
- HList(FullyCovered)
- {
- Spacer(Height = UseParent, Width = kStandardPadSpace);
- ToolSep
- PictPushButton(3301, "None", EH kLit13) // ccNewLibraryEntry
- {
- Enabled (Draw, 'cicn', 10200);
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn', 10202);
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn', 10201);
- };
- ToolSep
- Spacer(Height = UseParent, Width = kStandardPadSpace);
- ToolSep
- PictPushButton(3101, "None", EH kLit10)
- {
- Enabled(Draw, 'cicn',13503 );
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn',13505 );
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn',13504 );
- };
- ToolSep
- PictPushButton(3109, "None", EH kLit11) // "Insert/Edit Link"
- {
- Enabled(Draw, 'cicn',13506 );
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn',13508 );
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn',13507 );
- };
- ToolSep
- } // HList(FullyCovered)
- case 3: // hdSite
- Spacer(Height = 0, Width = 0);
- } // Switch (type)
- Switch (type)
- {
- case 0: // hdContent
- Spacer(Height = UseParent, Width = kStandardPadSpace);
- default:
- Spacer(Height = UseParent, Width = kStandardPadSpace);
- }
- Switch (editMode)
- {
- case 0: // kEditVisual
- case 1: // kBrowseMode
- case 2: // kHTMLMode
- HList(FullyCovered)
- {
- ToolSep
- PictPushButton(3013, "None", Draggable, EH kLit14)
- {
- Enabled(Draw, 'cicn',13012 );
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn',13052 );
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn',13032 );
- };
- ToolSep
- #if InDocWindow
- #define DocDraggable ,Draggable
- #else
- #define DocDraggable
- #endif
- PictPushButton(3012, "None", EH kLit15 DocDraggable)
- {
- Enabled(Draw, 'cicn',13011 );
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn',13051 );
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn',13031 );
- };
- ToolSep
- Switch (type)
- {
- case 0: // hdContent
- Spacer(Height = UseParent, Width = kStandardPadSpace );
- default:
- Spacer(Height = UseParent, Width = kStandardPadSpace);
- }
- ToolSep
- PictPushButton(3081, "None", EH kLit16)
- {
- Enabled(Draw, 'cicn',13005 );
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn',13045 );
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn',13025 );
- };
- ToolSep
- PictPushButton(3080, "None", Draggable, EH kLit17)
- {
- Enabled(Draw, 'cicn',13003 );
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn',13043 );
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn',13023 );
- };
- ToolSep
- PictPushButton(3091, "None", Draggable, EH kLit18)
- {
- Enabled(Draw, 'cicn',13060 );
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn',13062 );
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn',13061 );
- };
- ToolSep
- Switch (type)
- {
- case 0: // hdContent
- Spacer(Height = UseParent, Width = kStandardPadSpace );
- default:
- Spacer(Height = UseParent, Width = kStandardPadSpace);
- }
- /* Text Alignment buttons */
- ToolSep
- PictRadioButton(HAlignCommand, 0, EH kLit19)
- {
- On (Draw, 'cicn', 10019);
- Off(Draw, 'cicn', 10016);
- DisabledOn (Draw, 'cicn', 10022);
- DisabledOff(Draw, 'cicn', 10022);
- TrackingOn (Draw, 'cicn', 10019);
- TrackingOff(Draw, 'cicn', 10019);
- };
- ToolSep
- PictRadioButton(HAlignCommand, 1, EH kLit20)
- {
- On (Draw, 'cicn', 10020);
- Off(Draw, 'cicn', 10017);
- DisabledOn (Draw, 'cicn', 10023);
- DisabledOff(Draw, 'cicn', 10023);
- TrackingOn (Draw, 'cicn', 10020);
- TrackingOff(Draw, 'cicn', 10020);
- };
- ToolSep
- PictRadioButton(HAlignCommand, 2, EH kLit21)
- {
- On (Draw, 'cicn', 10021);
- Off(Draw, 'cicn', 10018);
- DisabledOn (Draw, 'cicn', 10024);
- DisabledOff(Draw, 'cicn', 10024);
- TrackingOn (Draw, 'cicn', 10021);
- TrackingOff(Draw, 'cicn', 10021);
- };
- ToolSep
- } // HList(FullyCovered)
- case 3: // kEditFrames
- HList(FullyCovered)
- {
- ToolSep
- PictPushButton(3306, "None", EH kLit22) // ccSubdivideVert
- {
- Enabled (Draw, 'cicn', 13604);
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn', 13603);
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn', 13605);
- };
- ToolSep
- PictPushButton(3307, "None", EH kLit23) // ccSubdivideHor
- {
- Enabled (Draw, 'cicn', 13601);
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn', 13600);
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn', 13602);
- };
- ToolSep
- PictPushButton(3350, "None", EH kLit48) // ccNewNamedFrameEntrySibling
- {
- Enabled (Draw, 'cicn', 14058);
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn', 14060);
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn', 14059);
- };
- ToolSep
- }
- #else
- Spacer(Height = 0, Width = 0);
- #endif // !LITE_VERSION
- } // Switch (editMode)
- Spacer(Height = UseParent, Width = 7);
- #if Platform_Mac
- HelpView(Width = kHelpViewWidth, Height = kHelpViewHeight, kHelpFont);
- #endif
- } //HList (Buttons)
- } //HList
- Define(StyleToolbarList)
- HList(ToolBack, Width = UseParent)
- {
- Margin(0,0,6,0)
- #if Platform_Mac
- IntegerPopup( "", 0, PStyleCommand, Width = kParagraphStylePopupWidth,
- EH kLit25, DontBind )
- #else
- IntegerPopup( "", 0, PStyleCommand, Width = kParagraphStylePopupWidth,Height = 22,
- EH kLit25, DontBind )
- #endif
- {
- IntItem(kLit26, 0); // hpPlain
- IntItem(kLit27, 1); // hpPreformatted
- IntItem(kLit28, 2); // hpAddress
- IntItem(kLit29, 3); // hpHead1
- IntItem(kLit30, 4); // hpHead2
- IntItem(kLit31, 5); // hpHead3
- IntItem(kLit32, 6); // hpHead4
- IntItem(kLit33, 7); // hpHead5
- IntItem(kLit34, 8); // hpHead6
- IntItem(kLit35, 9); // hpBullet
- IntItem(kLit36, 12); // hpNumbered
- IntItem(kLit37, 14); // hpTerm
- IntItem(kLit38, 13); // hpDefinition
- };
- HList(FullyCovered)
- {
- ToolSep
- PictPushButton(3115, "None", Draggable, EH kLit47) //ccNumberedListEntry
- {
- Enabled (Draw, 'cicn', 14050);
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn', 14052);
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn', 14051);
- };
- ToolSep
- PictPushButton(3090, "None", Draggable, EH kLit39) // ccBulletListEntry
- {
- Enabled (Draw, 'cicn', 13509);
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn', 13511);
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn', 13510);
- };
- ToolSep
- Spacer(Height = UseParent, Width = kStandardPadSpace);
- ToolSep
- PictPushButton(3024, "None", EH kLit40) // ccIndentRight
- {
- Enabled (Draw, 'cicn', 14001);
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn', 14000);
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn', 14002);
- };
- ToolSep
- PictPushButton(3023, "None", EH kLit41) // ccIndentLeft
- {
- Enabled (Draw, 'cicn', 14004);
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn', 14003);
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn', 14005);
- };
- ToolSep
- Spacer(Height = UseParent, Width = kStandardPadSpace );
- ToolSep
- PictPushButton(3027, "None", EH kLit42) // ccDecreaseSize
- {
- Enabled (Draw, 'cicn', 14007);
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn', 14006);
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn', 14008);
- };
- ToolSep
- PictPushButton(3026, "None", EH kLit43) // ccIncreaseSize
- {
- Enabled (Draw, 'cicn', 14010);
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn', 14009);
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn', 14011);
- };
- ToolSep
- Spacer(Height = UseParent, Width = kStandardPadSpace);
- ToolSep
- PictPushButton(3031, "None", EH kLit44) // ccHCharBits + bold
- {
- Enabled (Draw, 'cicn', 14013);
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn', 14012);
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn', 14014);
- };
- ToolSep
- PictPushButton(3032, "None", EH kLit45) // ccHCharBits + italic
- {
- Enabled (Draw, 'cicn', 14016);
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn', 14015);
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn', 14017);
- };
- ToolSep
- PictPushButton(3033, "None", EH kLit46) // ccHCharBits + teletype
- {
- Enabled (Draw, 'cicn', 14019);
- Disabled(Draw, 'cicn', 14018);
- Tracking(Draw, 'cicn', 14020);
- };
- ToolSep
- Spacer(Height = UseParent, Width = 4);
- #if Platform_Mac
- VList(Height = UseParent)
- {
- Spacer(Height = 2, Width = UseParent);
- GenericView("TextColorPopup");
- Spacer(Height = UseParent, Width = UseParent);
- }
- #else
- GenericView("TextColorPopup");
- #endif
- } // Second row buttons
- } // HList (style commands)
- Define(MainList)
- VList(Width = UseParent, ToolBack)
- {
- Switch (showToolbars, Width = UseParent)
- {
- #if InDocWindow
- case 1:
- VList(Width = UseParent)
- {
- Call(MainToolbarList);
- Switch (styleToolbars, Width = UseParent)
- {
- case 1:
- Spacer(Width = 0, Height = 6);
- default:
- Spacer(Width = 0, Height = 0);
- }
- }
- #else
- case 2:
- VList(Width = UseParent)
- {
- Call(LineSep);
- Spacer(Height = 4, Width = 0);
- Call(MainToolbarList);
- Switch(styleToolbars)
- {
- case 2:
- Spacer(Height = 4, Width = 0);
- default:
- Spacer(Height = 0, Width = 0);
- }
- }
- #endif
- default:
- Spacer(Width=0,Height=0);
- } // Switch (showToolbars)
- Switch (styleToolbars, Width = UseParent)
- {
- #if InDocWindow
- case 1:
- Call(StyleToolbarList);
- #else
- case 2:
- VList(Width = UseParent)
- {
- Call(LineSep);
- Spacer(Height = 4, Width = 0);
- Call(StyleToolbarList);
- }
- #endif
- default:
- Spacer(Width=0,Height=0);
- } // Switch (styleToolbars)
- #ifdef TryMe
- IntegerPopup("Type: ", Default, type)
- {
- IntItem("0", 0);
- IntItem("1", 1);
- IntItem("2", 2);
- IntItem("3", 3);
- };
- IntegerPopup("EditMode: ", Default, editMode)
- {
- IntItem("0", 0);
- IntItem("1", 1);
- IntItem("2", 2);
- IntItem("3", 3);
- };
- #endif
- } // VList (MainList)
- #if Platform_Mac
- Margin(2,2,2,3, Custom = "HeaderBarMarginProc", Width = UseParent)
- Margin(7,4,3,5, ToolBack)
- Call(MainList);
- #else
- Define(MainWindowLineSep)
- VList(Width = UseParent, BackColor = Dialog)
- {
- Spacer(Height = 3, Width = UseParent);
- Spacer(Height = 1, Width = UseParent, BackColor = DkGray );
- Spacer(Height = 1, Width = UseParent, BackColor = Black );
- }
- VList(Width = UseParent, ToolBack)
- {
- Margin(4,3,3,0, ToolBack, Width = UseParent)
- Call(MainList);
- #if InDocWindow
- Switch(styleToolbars, Width = UseParent)
- {
- case 1:
- Call(MainWindowLineSep);
- default:
- Switch(showToolbars, Width = UseParent)
- {
- case 1:
- Call(MainWindowLineSep);
- default:
- Spacer(Height = 0, Width = 0);
- } //Inner Switch
- } //Outer Switch
- #else //InDocWindow
- Spacer(Height = 2, Width = UseParent);
- #if !Modern_System
- Call(MainWindowLineSep);
- #endif
- #endif
- }
- #endif